The Bigheads The official website
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     A guy comes next to a girl in his classroom. It's a very beautiful day, birds are singin' love songs, and he wants to talk to her. He says hi, and she answers:
-Go graze!
     What happens then? They argue and never talk anymore? No... They become husband and wife!
One of the firsts coloured Bigheads
     The Bigheads is a story of a family that is anything, but normal. Mr Bighead is an aeronautical engineer, and Mrs Bighead is a doctor. They also have a husky named Myria (an anagram of Mryia, the russian word for "dream"), and Tot, the genius baby.

Mr Bighead: Hey! Welcome to our website! Well, do you know how to solve the Navier-Stokes equations? I've been working on them, but they seem a little strange... What are all those triangles?

Mrs Bighead: Hi. (beeep-beeep) I'm sorry, I can't talk right now, they're calling me there from the hospital.

Myria: D'you have dog snacks? No!? Beat it or I'll bite you!

 Tot: Welcome to the wonderful world of Tot Bighead! I am going to present you the very secrets of life... But you'll have to wait for me to say my first word...

D.E.M.O.N. Inc.Warning! Our informants say there are spies inside the Bighead house! They are known as the D.E.M.O.N. Inc. (this stands for Department of Extensive Malevolence Over Non-Humans), and they seem to want to conquer the world! There is evidence that the leader is a Cockroach known as Demon (well, if Demon is some repugnant body, what else would it be than a cockroach?) and he has ant worshippers. Take care, Bigheads!

The Bigheads
(Copyright 2006, Maiko & Camila, Ink) 
Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 2.5 License.
For information on licenses and permissions to use any material of this website contact the authors.
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